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Fukushima Radiation Hits West Coast Amid Media Blackout

Scientists have confirmed that a radioactive plume from Fukushima has made its way to the west coast of America, amid a total media blackout.  According to a recent article by EnviroNews, “medical science and epidemiological studies have demonstrated time and again that there is no safe amount of radiation for a living organism to be subjected to – period.” reports: In his piece, Urry also exposed other news agencies like NBC, the New York Post, USA Today and The Inquisitr, catching them with their pants down, in the act of repeating the false assertions of the U.S.

Trump Responds To Michelle Obama's Claim That He Is The "End Of Hope" For America

Trump Responds To Michelle Obama's Claim That He Is The "End Of Hope" For America

Michelle Obama appeared on Oprah yesterday and continued to ignore the unspoken, but widely acknowledged and obeyed, tradition of not bashing incoming administrations.  When asked whether Obama was successful at bringing "hope" to America, rather answer the question, the first lady decided to attack Trump by saying that "now we're feeling what not having hope feels like."
