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British Member Of Parliament Accuses Russia Of Manipulating Brexit Vote

First, the US blamed Russian hackers for Hillary Clinton's unexpected loss, a narrative which continues to reverberate with the relentless crusade by both the WaPo and NYT against "fake news." then Germany preemptively blamed Russia for a potential loss by Angela Merkel in the upcoming elections: as we reported last night, Germany's domestic intelligence agency is reporting a "striking increase" in Russian propaganda and disinformation campaigns aimed at destabilizing German society, and targeted cyber attacks against political parties.

Now, it's the UK's turn.

Tucker Carlson Takes on Idiot Huffpo Columnist Over Russian Hacking Claim

Robert McElvaine has been a busy little bee on Huffington Post, fomenting strife, disunity and complete horseshit, following the electoral college win by Donald J. Trump.

Let's review some of his recent 'work' and then segue over to Tucker Carlson's debate with the good Professor, attempting to get to the bottom of this great big Russian ordeal.

Source: HuffPo

How Putin Would Be Able to Control Trump

Wall-To-Wall Coverage Proves Trump Still Has The Mainstream Media Wrapped Around His Finger

For the past year and a half Trump has masterfully outsmarted the mainstream media at every twist and turn on his road to the White House.  Who can forget the time back in September when the mainstream media thought they had finally cornered Trump on the birther issue?  Thinking they were going to get an apology from Trump on pushing the Obama "birther" controversy, the mainstreamers piled into the brand new Trump International Hotel in D.C.

Kissinger On Trump World Order: "The President-Elect Is A Personality... American Policy Evolving"

Kissinger On Trump World Order: "The President-Elect Is A Personality... American Policy Evolving"

Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

A now-ancient Henry Kissinger is still the de facto manager of the Anglo-establishment wing of the new world order. And he still holds tremendous power and influence over world affairs.

And in true fashion, the realpolitik mastermind is prepared to embrace any president, just made remarks urging people not to prejudge Donald Trump – because his administration could create some useful policy.

It seems that President-elect Trump could become a good disciple after all.
