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'Progressive' San Franciscans Strongly Support Immigration Rights (Just Not In Their Neighborhood)

'Progressive' San Franciscans Strongly Support Immigration Rights (Just Not In Their Neighborhood)

"Not in my back yard..."

San Francisco is one of the most progressive cities in the nation, especially when it comes to national immigration, notes San Francisco Chronicle's Vincent Woo.

We believe so much in the natural right of people to join us here in America that we fought to keep our status as sanctuary city even in the face of being federally defunded for it. We pride ourselves on our rejection of plans to tighten immigration controls and deport undocumented immigrants.

Central Banker Sees "Scary" 2017

Barron's Asia: When you look ahead to 2017, what keeps you awake at night?


Amando Tetangco: Short term, the Fed rate hikes -- the timing and the magnitude. Of course, this would be related to the policies that the new U.S. administration will adopt. Medium-to-long term, the retreat from multi-lateralism. That is related to the performance of the global economy - the major and various economies, and emerging markets like China.


Obama, The Divider in Chief, Invokes Reagan ‘Rolling Over in His Grave’ in Attempt to Shame Republicans into Hating Putin

The agitprop out of the White House isn't working these days, thanks to the advent of fake news of course. Following weeks of hysteria, following Donald J. Trump's triumphant victory of Hillary Clinton and Obama's legacy, Obama took to the podium for one last time to divide Americans -- this time invoking the revered late President Ronald Reagan -- saying he'd be 'rolling over in his grave' now had he known that over a third of republicans approve of Putin in some random poll.

FBI Said To Back CIA Assessment That Russia Intervened To Help Trump Win

Either the WaPo has pulled off another "fake news" stunt, or Obama may be this close from declaring "cyber war" on Putin.

Moments ago, the Jeff Bezos newspaper, whose main mission over the past month has been to pin Clinton's presidential failure first on Russia and then on Vladimir Putin, reported that FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. have backed a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency, "according to U.S. officials."
