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Trump's Tariff Threats Already Having "Big League" Effect As Companies Halt Outsourcing Plans

Trump's Tariff Threats Already Having "Big League" Effect As Companies Halt Outsourcing Plans

Throughout the campaigning cycle, Trump sent a very clear message to businesses looking to move manufacturing operations offshore by repeatedly saying that subsequent imports would be hit with a massive 35% tariff.  Here is a December 4th tweet storm from the President-elect on the topic:

Celebrities Unite to Ask Electors to Vote Against Trump on December 19th

Celebrities Unite to Ask Electors to Vote Against Trump on December 19th

The fuckery is indeed very real.

The fervor and energetic effort into preventing Trump from taking the Presidency, has taken on new levels of lunacy by the left -- who are absurdly panicked and beguiled by paranoia to the point of making themselves into carnivale clown jackasses -- all but assuring the reelection of Trump in 2020 and the Silver Fox in 2024.

The Conspiracy To Shut Down Truth, Donald Trump, & The American People

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

There is circumstantial evidence that the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the rest of the presstitute media are part of a conspiracy with the oligarchs, the military/security complex, the Hillary Democrats, and neoconized Republicans to shut down the dissident Internet alternative media and to deny Donald Trump the presidency.

The Federal Reserve And The Destruction Of The American Dream

Submitted by Danielle DiMartino Booth,

“Government is a just execution of the laws, which were instituted by the people for their people’s preservation: but if the people’s implements, to whom they have trusted the execution of those laws, or any power for their preservation, should convert such execution to their destruction, have they not the right to resume the power they once delegated, and to punish their servants who have abused it?”


—John Wilkes, The North Briton, October 19, 1762
