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Time To Buy The Mexican Crash?

Time To Buy The Mexican Crash?

By Chris at

Market dislocations occur when financial markets, operating under stressful conditions, experience large widespread asset mispricing.

Welcome to this week's edition of “World Out Of Whack” where every Wednesday we take time out of our day to laugh, poke fun at and present to you absurdity in global financial markets in all its glorious insanity.

Edgar Cayce’s Prediction Unfolds – Antarctica Splitting Open

A giant crack opening up across Antarctica confirms a prediction made by psychic Edgar Cayce who said the Earth would go through major changes in the coming years. According to Cayce, the presence of the 130 kilometer crack is a precursor to massive earth changes that will see the destruction of the west coast of America. Cayce predicted: “The earth will be broken up in many places. The early portion will see a change in the physical aspect of the west coast of America. There will appear open waters in the northern portions of Greenland.” “There will be seen new lands of the Caribbean Sea.

Trumpxuberance...Until It's Not

Submitted by Howard Kunstler via,

Markets shrugged off the Brexit vote in a couple of days. They shrugged off Donald Trump’s election in a single day. They shrugged off the Italian referendum result in a couple of hours. Heck, in this mood they would shrug off an alien invasion of planet Earth.

— Albert Edwards, Société Générale

Ten Electoral College Electors Want Briefing On "Russian Interference" Before Presidential Vote

In our initial take on the Washington Post's story about the "secret" CIA assessment that Russia helped Trump win the election (since contested by the FBI), we said that this may amount to nothing short of a "soft coup" attempt by leaders in the US Intel community and the Obama administration, and warned to expect of a push by prominent democrats to pressure the electoral college to "take into consideration" these findings next Monday, on December 19, when the formal vote for president is set to take place.

This is how we summarized the newly-formed narrative:

Why The Mainstream Media Is Freaking Out

Why The Mainstream Media Is Freaking Out

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

In a democracy, trust must be earned. It cannot be imposed.

In its panicky rush to demonize the independent media via baseless accusations of "fake news," the mainstream press has sunk to spewing "fake news" of its own.

Here's The Washington Post's criminally false "fake news" article in case you missed it: Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say.
