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Breaking Free From The Captured Media

Breaking Free From The Captured Media

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith via,

In its panicky rush to demonize the independent media via baseless accusations of "fake news," the mainstream press has sunk to spewing "fake news" of its own.

Here's The Washington Post's criminally false "fake news" article in case you missed it: Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say.

Trump Blames Democrats For "Ridiculous" Russia Hacking Report

Speaking to Fox News' Chris Wallace on Sunday morning, the President-elect blasted the Friday night Wapo report that a secret CIA assessment concluded Russia intervened in the U.S. presidential election to help him win the presidency.

"I think it's ridiculous. I think it's just another excuse. I don't believe it," the president-elect said in an interview that aired Sunday on Fox News Sunday. "I don't know why and I think it's just -- you know, they talked about all sorts of things."


It's happening. After careful analysis of all the media punditry and the 'leaks' coming out from the CIA, I can only conclude that there is a concerted effort taking place to invalidate the U.S. elections, in an effort to unseat Donald Trump. Last night the Washington Post reported a leak from inside the CIA, saying they had a report that showed evidence that Russia hacked the elections in order to elect Donald Trump. They're being very specific about that point. Pay attention.

Nate Silver "Calculates" Hillary Would Win If Not For Comey, Russia As Democrats Come Swinging

In the immediate aftermath of last night's WaPo article revealing a "secret" CIA assessment according to which Russia (without a shred of evidence) helped Trump win the election, we explained - in five points - how this was nothing short of a "soft coup" attempt by leaders of the US Intel community and Obama administration to influence the Electoral College vote. To wit:

Has Liberty Departed From America? — Paul Craig Roberts

Has Liberty Departed From America?

Paul Craig Roberts

Can a few Internet sites save your existence as a free person protected by the US Constitution? Not without your help. If 400,000 Americans gave up the cost of a 6-pack of beer, it could mean the preservation of your freedom. If the millions of my readers were willing to give up the small cost of a 6-pack of beer, we could defeat the evil that rules the West.

Are your civil liberties less valuable to you than a 6-pack of beer?
