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WikiLeaks: CIA Supplied Podesta Pedo Email Evidence

CIA and US intelligence operatives are responsible for handing over emails to Wikileaks that exposed John Podesta being connected to a Washington pedophile ring. According to insiders, Russia were not responsible for the Podesta email hack as is falsely reported by the media. Elements within US intelligence wished to expose the depravity of Clinton and her cronies and so took it upon themselves to release the emails to WikiLeaks.

Communism Again Gets A Free Pass - Setting The Record Straight On Castro

Communism Again Gets A Free Pass - Setting The Record Straight On Castro

Submitted by Erico Matias Tavares via Sinclair & Co.,

With well over 100 million direct casualties and countless other social, economic and environmental disasters under its name, communism is arguably the worst human experiment in history. And yet, how many communist leaders have been formally prosecuted in a court of law for their crimes?

Fake Out: A Rally Built On 'Hot Air'

Fake Out: A Rally Built On 'Hot Air'


Right at the time when markets were making new highs recently I mused whether this rally was based on hot air. I wanted to follow-up on this assessment in light of the recent small pullback and provide an update of some of the technical signals. The bottom line: The technical evidence appears to build on the “hot air” message and suggests that new highs may have been a fake out.

The Most Important Market In The World (That You've Never Heard Of)

Submitted by Chris at Capitalist Exploits blog,

This is the first part of a series of articles (I don't know how many, I'm not done yet) designed to explain what is easily THE most important, albeit poorly understood (even by professionals) market on this ball of dirt.

Eurodollars: What Are They?

To best explain what Eurodollars are we start with the English language.
