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China to Fine or Shut Down Websites That Publish Fake News

China to Fine or Shut Down Websites That Publish Fake News

Reuters is reporting that new 'fake news' fighting policies are being enacted in the Xinjiang province of China,  in an effort by the Chinese to push back against those who like to post 'harmful' information online, which do not adhere to government rules.

The new rules include, thou shall not post information that might be construed as "harmful to national security", "destructive of religious harmony", that "spreads ethnic hatred and division" or "seeks to overthrow the socialist system."

The Ultimate "Fake News" List

The Ultimate "Fake News" List

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones, originally posted at,

Isn’t it ironic how the mainstream media has the nerve to lecture everyone else about “fake news” when they are the primary source of fake news on a consistent basis stretching back years?

Fake news stories and fake narratives put out by the mainstream media have resulted in deaths, destruction and people’s lives being ruined.
