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Wayback Machine Announces Move To Canada Out Of Fear Of Trump Censorship

Wayback Machine Announces Move To Canada Out Of Fear Of Trump Censorship

Before November 8th a whole host of celebrities vowed to leave the United States if Trump won the presidency (see "These Are The Celebrities Who Vowed To Leave America If Trump Wins").  As far as we know, George Lopez is the only one to subsequently confirm that he will actually be leaving the country despite numerous offers of free private planes and chefs to Lena Dunham to follow through on her pledge...unfortunately she still hasn't taken the bait.

Trump Reaches Deal To Keep 1,000 Carrier Jobs In The U.S.

Nine months ago the video of a plant-full of American workers getting the news that they were 'fired' due to Carrier International moving its air-conditioning plant from Indiana to Mexico went viral and became a meme for Trump's "America First" plans. Today, according to CNBC's David Faber, the Trump team and United Technologies have reached an agreement on keeping close to 1,000 factory jobs at the Carrier plant in Indiana.

Obama Creates New Al-Qaeda Out Of Thin Air To Justify His Somalia War

Obama Creates New Al-Qaeda Out Of Thin Air To Justify His Somalia War

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

An article published in The New York Times this past Sunday perfectly demonstrates how out of control and unconstitutional America’s foreign policy has become. It highlights the latest war being perpetrated by the Obama administration, which is expanding with very little scrutiny from the press or the government branch supposedly in charge of waging war, the U.S. Congress.
