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Pentagon No-Fly Zone Over Syria Prompts Russia War Fears

On November 15, Congress passed a resolution to impose a no-fly zone over Syria, which experts are warning will result in a U.S. war with Russia.  House Resolution 5732, otherwise known as the “Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act,” means that America can now shoot down Russian warplanes operating in the region. reports: Soon after the presidential election, key warmongers in Congress began formulating plans to make increased conflict a near certainty, complete with the kind of propaganda peddled before the Iraq attack.

Let’s bring capital back to USA, too

Let’s bring capital back to USA, too

It’s laudable that Trump wants to bring factories back to USA.  But how about virtual, monetary factories?  Moving financial institutions such as banks, insurers, brokerage houses, exchanges, and other institutions brings the most bang for the buck when it comes to revitalizing America’s economy.

As we explain in Splitting Pennies, even though money doesn't exist, it's the most important part of a healthy economy.

Black Friday Sales Slump As Retail Tracker Admits Holiday Season "Off To A Slow Start", Blames Warm Weather

Black Friday Sales Slump As Retail Tracker Admits Holiday Season "Off To A Slow Start", Blames Warm Weather

Sales and traffic at U.S. brick-and-mortar stores on Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday declined from last year, as Reuters reports that stores offered discounts well beyond the weekend and more customers shopped online.

The National Retail Federation reports that spending per person over Thanksgiving Weekend this year was $289.19, down 3.4% from $299.60 in the same period last year.
