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Six Narratives On The Ascendancy Of Trump

Six Narratives On The Ascendancy Of Trump

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

Perhaps the masses have (finally!) reached the point where the pain of maintaining the status quo now exceeds that of breaking it.

A remarkably diverse array of "explanations" of Donald Trump's presidential election victory have been aired, representing both the conventional political spectrum and well beyond.

Let’s start with the conventional mainstream media “explanations”:


ADP Employment Report Jumps Most In 5 Months After Trump Win

ADP Employment Report Jumps Most In 5 Months After Trump Win

Following October's disappointment (+147k), November's ADP employment printed a much better than expected 216k (over 170k exp), thanks to a notable downward revision to October to 119k. Goods-producing jobs dropped once again (-11k) with a renewed surge in services employment (+228k). While this November post-Trump spike is noteworthy (highest in 5 months), there continues to be a medium-term trend of weakening job growth in America.

A good post-trump spike, but the 24-month trend continues to deteriorate:


Spot the odd one out...

NATO's Rear-Guard Actions

Submitted by Brian Cloughley via,

In the military a rearguard action is defined as ‘a defensive action carried out by a retreating army’ and it is an appropriate description of the desperate scrabbling by NATO to convince the rest of the world — and especially Donald Trump — that its existence is justified.
