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Yahoo's Advice To Trump: Educate Children In Media Literacy To Combat Fake News

Submitted by Joseph Jankowski via,

Writing for Yahoo News, National Political Columnist Matt Bai provides a suggestion to combat the so-called “fake news” epidemic that has become a major talking point of the mainstream media since Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election. According to Bai, we should be “teaching our kids how to consume” information in an age where the internet has provided a press to anyone with a computer and a router.

Nick Cannon: Hillary Clinton Attempted Genocide On African-Americans

Nick Cannon has blasted Hillary Clinton and Planned Parenthood for promoting “modern day eugenics” and trying to stop African-Americans breeding in an attempt at genocide. When approached by Splash News to comment on his anti-Planned Parenthood remarks from last week, Cannon said the organization is participating in “modern day eugenics” and is planning to “take our community” and commit genocide against African-Americans. Eugenics is the controlled breeding of a population to increase the occurrence of “desirable characteristics”.

Trump Warns US Companies There Will Be "Consequences" For Outsourcing Jobs

Trump Warns US Companies There Will Be "Consequences" For Outsourcing Jobs

Emboldened by his "victory" with Carrier Corp, which agreed to keep 1,100 workers in the US instead of outsourcing them to Mexico in exchange for $7 million in tax incentives over 10 years, as part of his victory tour in Indiana, Donald Trump on Thursday warned that U.S. companies will face "consequences" for outsourcing jobs overseas.

"Companies are not going to leave the United States any more without consequences. Not going to happen," the President-elect said on a visit to a Carrier Corp plant in Indianapolis cited by Reuters.
