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The Age Of Disintegration: Political Disunity And Elites At War

The Age Of Disintegration: Political Disunity And Elites At War

Submitted by Charles Hugh-SMith via OfTwoMinds blog,

In this war of the rising and fading elites, there is no common ground or incentive to compromise.

Historian Michael Grant identified profound political disunity in the ruling elite as a key cause of the dissolution of the Roman Empire. Grant described this dynamic in his excellent account The Fall of the Roman Empire.

What Would Being a ‘Normal Nation’ Mean?

Robert Kagan avoids the obvious in his description of the presidential campaign:

Internationalists such as Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio went nowhere this year; Bernie Sanders joined Mr Trump in attacking global involvement; and Hillary Clinton was hit from all sides for being too internationalist and too wedded to the idea of the US as the “indispensable nation”, the Bill Clinton phrase that encapsulated the thinking of every president from Harry Truman to George W Bush.

Frontrunning: November 21

  • Dollar dips, stocks fall as Trumpflation trade pauses (Reuters)
  • A profile of RenTec's Medallion fund: Inside a Moneymaking Machine Like No Other (BBG)
  • Mattis, Christie, Giuliani in contention for top posts (Reuters)
  • Paulson’s Big Long: A Bet on Trump Yields Power and Profit (BBG)
  • Ex-PM Fillon is favorite to win French conservative presidential ticket (Reuters)
  • In weekend of deliberation, Mattis favored for Trump Pentagon chief (Reuters)
  • Citigroup Leads U.S. Banks Higher in Global Systemic Risk List (BBG)

"It Feels Like A Warzone": 400 North Dakota Pipeline Protesters Clash With Police; 167 Injured

"It Feels Like A Warzone":  400 North Dakota Pipeline Protesters Clash With Police; 167 Injured

In the latest in a series of protests against the North Dakota oil pipeline project, overnight an estimated 400 protesters clashed with police who fired tear gas at the scene of a similar confrontation last month. The protesters mounted the Backwater Bridge and attempted to force their way past police in what the Morton County Sheriff's Department initially described as an "ongoing riot." Protesters say the pipeline threatens water resources and sacred tribal lands.
