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Duterte Meets Putin, Lashes Out At Western "Hypocrisy", While "Fed-up" Turkey Wants To Join Shanghai Bloc

Duterte Meets Putin, Lashes Out At Western "Hypocrisy", While "Fed-up" Turkey Wants To Join Shanghai Bloc

As China's president Xi was setting the stage for a new regional free-trade deal dubbed the Free Trade Area of Asia-Pacific at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Lima, Peru now that Obama's TPP has suffered a quiet death, a new geopolitical axis was being formed.

Trump Again Slams "Highly Overrated" Hamilton, Lashes Out At "Biased" SNL

Trump's feud with the entertainment industry is just getting started.

The President-elect took to Twitter Sunday morning to again slam the cast and producer of the Broadway musical "Hamilton," following vice president-elect Mike Pence's attendance at the show Friday night. "The cast and producers of Hamilton, which I hear is highly overrated, should immediately apologize to Mike Pence for their terrible behavior," Trump tweeted at 6:22 a.m.

Brokeback Mountain, Hamilton, Art

I know we’re all Hamiltoned out, but please, allow me another word about Hamilton and the power of art to open our eyes to things we would not otherwise have seen. Back in 2005, I was a columnist at The Dallas Morning News. Then as now, when I wrote about same-sex marriage, I defended and advocated for tradition. Brokeback Mountain was then in theaters, and I didn’t want to see it for a couple of reasons.

War Breaks Out Between Neo-Cons And Libertarians Over Trump's Foreign Policy

In late October, when it was still conventional wisdom that Hillary was "guaranteed" to win the presidency, the WaPo explained that among the neo-con, foreign policy "elites" of the Pentagon, a feeling of calm content had spread: after all, it was just a matter of time before the "pacifist" Obama was out, replaced by the more hawkish Hillary.
