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On The Razor's Edge

Submitted by Eric Peters via,

It is good that Hillary lost – obviously.

But it may prove to be the worst thing that could have happened.

Depending on what Trump does as president.

If he governs as a Republican, it is time to pack bags. Because the clock is ticking. We will have – at best – four years before something far worse than Hillary returns, with a vengeance.

Bernie Sanders, for instance. Or Michelle Obama.

Clinton Foundation Investigator Found Dead

A woman investigating  human trafficking and pedophile ring connections to the Clinton Foundation has been found dead in a suspicious suicide. As uncovered on Reddit, Monica Peterson was working for the Human Trafficking Center in Haiti and had uncovered evidence of a child sex ring and human trafficking scheme connected to the Clintons. reports: Peterson previously worked for the Colorado Human Trafficking Council’s Data & Research Task Force. Early in 2016, a friend shared her blog post which was critical of Hillary Clinton’s shady dealings in Haiti.

Kanye West Supports Donald Trump, Vows To Run In 2020

Kanye West has come out in support of Donald Trump, telling a stunned audience in California that he has been inspired to run for President himself in 2020.  To a collective boo from the audience, an undeterred Kanye West explained that even though he didn’t vote for either candidate earlier in the month, “if I would have voted, I would have voted on Trump“. He went onto  reiterate his plans to run in the 2020 presidential election, a promise he made last year at the MTV VMA’s.

Trump Surrogate Cites Internment Camps As Excuse For Muslim Registry

A prominent Donald Trump surrogate has suggested that the internment of Japanese Americans during world war two has set the precedent for a potential Muslim registry, as advocated by president-elect’s transition team.  Quartz reports: Carl Higbie, a former Navy SEAL and a spokesman for the pro-Trump Great America PAC, made the argument on Megyn Kelly’s Fox News show Wednesday (Nov.
