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The US Is Dumping Hazardous Electronic Waste Into Asia

The US Is Dumping Hazardous Electronic Waste Into Asia

US exports of goods and services may be decreasing, but one export that appears to be hanging in there is hazardous electronic waste.

According to a recent investigation conducted by the Seattle-based e-waste watchdog group Basel Action Network (BAN), much of the hazardous electronic waste discarded in America is not being recycled properly - and by not recycled properly he means dumped in a junkyard in southeast Asia.

Michael Hudson Warns "Millions Around The World Are Fleeing Neoliberal Policy"

Economist Michael Hudson tells The RealNews network that neoliberal policy will pressure U.S. citizens to emigrate, just as it caused millions to leave Russia, the Baltic States, and now Greece in search of a better life...


A research team from Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health in New York estimates 875,000 deaths in the United States in year 2000 could be attributed to social factors related to poverty and income inequality.


FAA: Mysterious Drills On West Coast Will Blackout GPS

The U.S. military have begun a mysterious set of drills on the West coast of America that they say will jam GPS signals for six hours a day.  The FAA issued an advisory warning pilots that the global positioning systems (GPS) could be unresponsive this month, but have refused to say why. reports: On June 7, 9, 21, 23, 28, and 30th the GPS interference testing will be taking place between 9:30am and 3:30pm Pacific time. But if you’re on the ground, you probably won’t notice interference.
