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Trump: We Are Banning Saudi Oil From America

President-elect Donald Trump has announced plans to create “complete American energy independence” and ban Saudi Arabian oil from the U.S. market – and the Saudis have begun to panic. Imagine making the world’s largest oil exporter sweat it out. That’s exactly what Donald Trump is doing. The president-elect has said repeatedly that the U.S. needs to ban all oil imports from Saudi Arabia. During his campaign Trump vowed to secure U.S.

The Mainstream Media Has Only Itself To Blame For The "Fake News" Epidemic

Submitted by Stephen Miller via,

The mainstream media continues to freak out over the spread of “fake news” on Facebook and other social media platforms such as Twitter and reddit. Hillary Clinton’s late campaign thinks this is a problem.

The Democrat party seems to think people with Facebook accounts are to blame for Hillary’s decision to ignore crucial swing states in the final weeks of the campaign, that likely cost her the election.

New York Governor Unveils Hate-Crime Unit, Plans Taxpayer-Funded Defense Of Criminal Illegal Immigrants

It seems that even the Governor of the great state of New York is incapable of discerning 'real' from 'fake' news when it doesn't fit his narrative. Proclaiming that "if there is a move to deport immigrants then I say start with me," Andrew Cuomo appears to have missed Trump's proposal focused on ridding America of 'criminal illegal immigrants' and plans "to provide immigrants who can't afford their own defense the legal assistance they need.. because in New York, we believe in justice for all."
