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Trump Slams "Very Rude" Hamilton Cast After VP Pence Booed, Lectured During Show

Vice President-elect, Mike Pence, may have expected a simple night out with his family on Friday evening in New York when he arrived at the Broadway show, "Hamilton".  He didn't get that; instead the New York crowd greeted him with boos as he took his seat on arrival, and the cast delivered an unprecedented direct admonishment to the VP, to cap off the night during the curtain call.

"Vice President-elect Pence, I see you're walking out, but I hope you will hear just a few more minutes."


Trump Meets With Henry Kissinger To Develop Foreign Policy

United States President-elect Donald Trump has met with controversial foreign policy guru Henry Kissinger in New York to discuss “events and issues around the world.” Henry Kissinger helped shape America’s foreign policy during the cold war and the era of communist expansion around the globe. Because of Kissinger there have been many wars and deaths around the world, principally in Southeast China and South America, all in the name of defending national security and fighting communism. Some people hate him for shaping global events.

5 Times When The Mainstream Media "Created Fake News"... And People Died As A Result

5 Times When The Mainstream Media "Created Fake News"... And People Died As A Result

As's Mac Slavo notes...

While the powers that be are determining the fate of alternative media voices that are now branded under the dubious label “fake news” and blacked out from online search results, it is worth keeping in mind all the disinformation and downright lies that have been perpetrated by the corporate news media – typically hand in hand with a political agenda.

