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Iran Is Ready For Confrontation With US -Military Commander

Iran is ready for a “decisive and difficult confrontation” with the US after Hillary Clinton threatened Tehran with military action. A top Iranian military official hit back at the US presidential candidate for her hawkish comments on Iran, stressing that Tehran is fully prepared for a tough, direct confrontation against the US. Press TV reports: Defining her hawkish foreign policy in a speech Thursday in San Diego, Clinton said the US could disarm Iran by military action if she became the president.

Another Ben Op Know-Nothing

Why do I bother? Because I’m a masochist. Shaun Kenney at Ethika Politika today:

This is my problem with the Benedict Option in a nutshell:

The Benedict Option is about forming communities that teach us and help us to live in such a way that our entire lives are witnesses to the transforming power of the Gospel.

This statement is totally meaningless. The Church does this. Why do we need a Benedict Option?

France (In Their Own Words)

France (In Their Own Words)

As France continues to roil over labor reforms (and email bans) amid a perpetual state of emergency and its ongoing islamization, it appears The French are losing faith in La Republique. A recent IPSOS poll saw the citizenry sum up the country in 5 dismal words...

Poll: What word sums up France's future?

 1. Social explosion2. Decline3. Immobilism4. Decadence

Of course in America the leader would call them cynics and fiction peddlers.

h/t @MxSba

