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Why TRUMP is good for USD and FX

Why TRUMP is good for USD and FX

Donald Trump is good for the markets, and good for the US Dollar.  Donald Trump - is net positive for FX.  The reason why, is very simple.  Readers of Splitting Pennies would have come to this conclusion on their own.  Love or hate Trump, he's not a politician.  Some say, he's worse than a politician.  But he's not a career politician.  The Dud-Fag act (The Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Pub.L. 111–203, H.R. 4173; commonly referred to as Dud-Fag) put a choke hold on the budding FX market in USA.

Latino SJWs For Trump

If you’re Donald Trump, you can’t buy publicity like this from his enemies in San Diego yesterday:

As hundreds of protesters outside his rally here Friday afternoon chanted obscenities, waved Mexican flags and clashed with police, Donald Trump reveled on stage in the drama his candidacy has created.

