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Ben Carson: President Hillary Would Bring About "Tremendous Carnage And Death"

Ben Carson: President Hillary Would Bring About "Tremendous Carnage And Death"

In a world in which everything has devolved to threats of Mutual Assured Destruction of the "if something does not happen then the world will end" variety observed most notably with the scaremongering campaign over Brexit in which David Cameron recently went as far as suggesting that war could break out should the UK leave the EU (as well as currency collapse, recession, and some of the worst parts of the bible), it only makes sense to take whatever works and run with it.

Beyond The Minsky Moment: China's Ponzi Schemes Are Now Investing In Other Ponzi Schemes

Beyond The Minsky Moment: China's Ponzi Schemes Are Now Investing In Other Ponzi Schemes

The problem with China's Wealth Management Products, or WMPs, is not new: we have covered this pillar of China's shadow banking system on various occasions over the past three years, usually just before and after the time of the latest spectacular WMP fund blow up, which promptly becomes headline news and then fades again until the next such collapse.

The Memory Of America

Denny Burk is having a melancholy Memorial Day. After reading the Gettysburg Address, he reflected:

I read this speech with heaviness of heart this year. It seems like the nation that Lincoln describes is slipping away. It seems less a “government of the people, by the people, for the people” than it is a people of the government, by the government, for the government. As the people decrease, the state increases. And the people have decreased in virtue, historical awareness, and commitment to ordered liberty “under God.”

Nobel Peace Prize Winner President Obama Speaks At Arlington National Cemetery - Live Feed

Having pledged to end the wars of his predecessor, President Obama came into office almost eight years ago as an anti-war candidate but instead has now been at war longer than any other American president. Mr. Obama, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, has made endless promises of "bring the troops home" or "no boots on the ground" but will have a longer tour of duty as a wartime president than Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard M. Nixon or his hero Abraham Lincoln.

Never Forget

As the barbeque-bonanza and shopping-fest, that Memorial Day has become for many, takes shape, we thought a little reflection was necessary on the deeper meaning behind this important celebration honoring those who fell in the armed services of America during its wars.



Memorial Day Quotes

“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”

— John F. Kennedy

“I have long believed that sacrifice is the pinnacle of patriotism.”

— Bob Riley
