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Why Fight China for Scarborough Shoal?

If China begins to reclaim and militarize Scarborough Shoal, says Philippines President Benigno S. Aquino III, America must fight. Should we back down, says Aquino, the United States will lose “its moral ascendancy, and also the confidence of one of its allies.”

And what is Scarborough Shoal? A cluster of rocks and reefs, 123 miles west of Subic Bay, that sits astride the passageway out of the South China Sea into the Pacific, and is well within Manila’s 200-mile exclusive economic zone.

Here’s How The U.S. Government Treats Whistleblowers

Here’s How The U.S. Government Treats Whistleblowers

Submitted by Michael Krieger of LibertyBlitzkrieg

Here’s How the U.S. Government Treats Whistleblowers


What is it about whistleblowers that the powers that be can’t stand?


When I blew the whistle on the CIA’s illegal torture program, I was derided in many quarters as a traitor. My detractors in the government attacked me for violating my secrecy agreement, even as they ignored the oath we’d all taken to protect and defend the Constitution.


Putin Closes The Door To Monsanto

Putin Closes The Door To Monsanto

In a new address to the Russian Parliament Thursday, Putin proudly outlined his plan to make Russia the world’s ‘leading exporter’ of non-GMO foods that are based on ‘ecologically clean’ production. Putin harshly criticized food production in the United States, declaring that Western food producers are no longer offering high quality, healthy, and ecologically clean food. Putin is correct. American agribusiness is slowly poisoning the American population.

Dramatic Time-Lapse Animation Showing America's Absurd Million Dollar Home Bubbles

Dramatic Time-Lapse Animation Showing America's Absurd Million Dollar Home Bubbles

One of the recurring refrains about the New Normal housing market is that just because median and/or average home prices have failed to match the astronomic increases in prices seen in the 2004-2007 period, that it the current bubble is far less concerning. And to an extent that is true: the reason why asking rents have been soaring in recent years is because for most of the US middle class, owning a home is now impossible, so the only option is rent.
