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These Americans Are Preparing For War With Their Own Government

These Americans Are Preparing For War With Their Own Government

During the Oregon standoff, where a group of US citizens calling themselves the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom, seized control of a federal wildlife refuge in protest of harsh sentences being given to members of a ranching family for allegedly allowing fires set on their property to spread on to federal land, Ron Paul posed a question: Is the event isolated, or a sign of things to come?

It is becoming increasingly apparent that the Oregon standoff was the latter.

U.S. And China Flirting With Military Confrontation In South China Sea

China is rapidly expanding its military presence in the disputed waters and airspace of the South China Sea. A new high-tech surveillance drone is stalking foreign warships approaching the man-made artificial islands, creating tension in the region and a headache for the Pentagon as it feels obliged to defend and provide free navigation in what was once international waters. The simmering tension between the U.S. and China is reaching boiling point as the two sides flirt with overt military conflict.

Stock Share Buybacks Now Bought Out — American Enterprise in Decline

Published originally on The Great Recession Blog

by David Haggith


I have pointed out in previous articles how most of the growth in stocks over the past few years has been due to stock share buybacks. Without this hideous (and at one time illegal) practice, there would have been no bull market over the last few years.

That’s right. Research from no other place than Wall Street, itself, indicates that almost all of the returns since 2009 have been due to stock share buybacks!


Visualizing 200 Years Of US Immigration

While the common narrative is now that Donald Trump is dividing the United States along racial lines, it would appear that 200 years of widespread immigration (some more integrative and some less) - as the following stunning animated graphic shows - the proverbial melting pot, after 8 years of an African-American president, during which black inequality has worsened dramatically, is boiling over by its own volition.

Here is everyone who has emigrated to the United States since 1820 (1 dot = 10,000 people)
