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Scaredy-cat Americans

Scaredy-cat Americans

The United States States government and the oligarchy that controls it comprise the most malign force that has ever existed on Earth. Finian Cunningham writing in the online journal Strategic Culture Foundation explains how the Dark Lords use fear to rule scared Americans.

America – the Most Frightened Nation on Earth
By Finian Cunningham

First Italy, Now Greek Banks Being Investigated For 'Funding' Politicians, Media

With Trump going after billionaire-funded media in America, and Italy facing probes over its banking-system-controlled media, it is perhaps no surprise that yet another generally corrupt nation - Greece - is facing a parliamentary committee investigation into spuriously large 'bank loans' and highly-concentrated advertising spend made to various political parties and media groups in 2015.

The Problem With Smart Policing

Can’t you see the writing on the touchscreen? A techno-utopia is upon us. We’ve gone from smartphones at the turn of the twenty-first century to smart fridges and smart cars. The revolutionary changes to our everyday life will no doubt keep barreling along. By 2018, so predicts Gartner, an information technology research and advisory company, more than three million employees will work for “robo-bosses” and soon enough we—or at least the wealthiest among us—will be shopping in fully automated supermarkets and sleeping in robotic hotels.

An Education in Educating

Ears pressed against texts the rhythms of which they have memorized over decades, some professors can similarly syncopate their pupils’ minds and hearts. Students with the sense and luck to find them discover quickly that the status quo in most courses doesn’t apply in this one; regurgitation is anathema. These teachers forge thinkers, showing their pupils how to analyze and assess for themselves.
