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2008 Bailout Boy Is Back - Kashkari Now Peddling Cheap Debt Toxin From The Fed

Authored by MN Gordon via (h/t David Stockman),

Rubbernecking at the economic train wreck of central planners is not without hazard.  A strained collar and dry eyes, for instance, are common perils.  So, too, is the lasting grimace of disbelief that comes with the rollout of each zany scheme to save us from ourselves.

Etched forehead lines and nighttime bruxism are several of the secondary effects.  Not owning shares of Amazon is another.  Though, over the long term, this will likely be an advantage.

Texas Fights!

Texas Fights!

MyImages – Micha/Shutterstock)


That’s the governor. More:

The 2000 Boston Massacre

I recently went back to take a look at a piece I did in the year 2000 for the Weekly Standard, about a huge controversy then in Boston. It is astonishing from the viewpoint of 2016 to observe how all of this was a trial run for what’s happening across the nation now. I’m going to quote from it at length. It’s prophetic:
