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Zionist Israel Hides Its Crimes Behind Its Smears of Truth-Tellers

Zionist Israel Hides Its Crimes Behind Its Smears of Truth-Tellers

Paul Craig Roberts

Several years ago two very distinguished American scholars wrote a book, The Israel Lobby.

The book made a very understated case that the Israel Lobby has far more power over the US government and media than is good for America or Israel, as it silences constructive critics who are Israel’s friends. The two scholars were demonized by the Israel Lobby as advocating the return of the Holocaust.

London's New Mayor To Donald Trump: Let Muslims In Or They Will Attack The US

Ever since he officially took office on May 9, London's first Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan wasted no time in criticizing and attacking Donald Trump's proposed Muslim ban. Several days ago, the presumptive candidate told the New York Times that he was happy to see Mr Khan elected, saying it could be "very, very good." However, the pleasantry was not returned, and instead Khan said Trump's "ignorant" view of Islam could make both Britain and the US less safe, which ironically implies more potential terrorist attacks by Muslims in both the US and the UK.

Getting It All Straight - Trumpism, Nationalism, Patriotism, & Libertarianism

Submitted by Justin Raimondo via,

I was struck by a tweet from libertarian Republican congressman Justin Amash, who has become the “new Ron Paul” now that the three-time presidential candidate and libertarian icon has taken a well-deserved rest from politics. The other day he tweeted:

“Patriotism & nationalism are profoundly different. Patriotism is love of country. FA Hayek called nationalism ‘a twin brother of socialism.’”
