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Down the Rabbit Hole with Samuels

There is not much more that needs to be said about the original Samuels/Rhodes kerfuffle, but Samuels’ attempt to defend himself merits a few more comments. Samuels disputes that he is the vocal opponent of the nuclear deal he has been made out to be, and complains that his words have been misinterpreted. He writes:

Here’s what I said at the opening of the panel — which hasn’t been tweeted or written about by anyone yet, so far as I can tell, even though it’s the very first thing I say in the video:

David Stockman Warns "Get Out Of The Casino!"

David Stockman Warns "Get Out Of The Casino!"

Forget the "wall of worry," former Reagan OMB Director David Stockman warns a shocked CNBC anchorette that "the frogs are in the boiling water again on Wall Street...and they don't have enough sense to get out." The last 600 days of range-bound trading marks the top he explains adding that "we have reached the cyclical top in both GDP and earnings," which leaves a market trading at extremely expensive levels - "why would you stay in?" Stockman believes that the world economy is heading into a "deep and lasting deflationary recession." There is no e

Donald Trump Will Be The Last Ever U.S. President : Johnny Depp

Actor Johnny Depp predicts that Donald Trump would be the last president of the United States if elected. Johnny Depp has been nominated for many awards, playing various roles in film, but is yet to win an Oscar from the establishment in Hollywood. The talented actor is a good judge of character, playing the role of Edward Scissorhands in the 1990 film by the same title. Depp says that if Trump should win the presidency then it is curtains for America. “It just won’t work after that,” according to Depp.
