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Obama Will Be First Sitting President To Visit Hiroshima "Highlighting Pursuit Of Peace"

Obama Will Be First Sitting President To Visit Hiroshima "Highlighting Pursuit Of Peace"

"Symbolizing how far the United States and Japan have come in building a deep and abiding alliance based on mutual interests, shared values and an enduring spirit of friendship between our people," according to The White House official statement, The Hill reports that Nobel-Peace-Prize-winning President Obama will become the first sitting U.S. president to visit Hiroshima, Japan, later this month. Is this merely continuing Obama's apology tour?

Pat Buchanan advises Trump Not To Give Away His Victory In A Compromise

Pat Buchanan advises Trump Not To Give Away His Victory In A Compromise With the Defeated And Corrupt Republican Establishment

In my opinion, Trump should keep it that a vote for Trump is a vote for America, not for
a Republican or a Democrat.

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Insider Reveals Plans To Roundup Americans During Coming Collapse

A former US Customs Agent left a suicide note exposing the government’s plans to roundup and disarm American citizens in a “coming collapse”.  According to sources inside the New York City Police Department, the suicide note reveals a frightening insight into what the elite have planned for the future of America. reports: The note, which says it was written over the course of a full week in advance, outlines why the officer chose to shoot himself: “The America I grew up in, and cherished, has been murdered by its own federal government.

Paul Craig Roberts Warns 'Killary' Will Be "The Last American President"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

Do you remember all the hopes Americans had for Obama when we elected him to his first term? Painful memories. He betrayed the voters on every one of his promises. There was no change, except for the worst as Obama went on to become one of the most vicious war criminals in world history. Despite his horrific record, we re-elected him, only to have US economic policy turn against the people in order to bail out at our expense the mega-banks and the One Percent.
