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Trump On Debt Renegotiation: "You Never Have To Default Because You Print The Money"

Following Donald Trump's Thursday comments that rising interest rates would be disastrous for the economy, saying that "we're paying a very low interest rate. What happens if that interest rate goes up 2, 3, 4 points?" hinting that the U.S. should "renegotiate longer-term debt" with creditors and that if the economy crashes he "can make a deal", various media outlets went to town on Trump, most notably the NYT, which took Trump to task:

P2P Bubble Bursts? LendingClub Stock Plummets 25% After CEO Resigns On Internal Loan Review

P2P Bubble Bursts? LendingClub Stock Plummets 25% After CEO Resigns On Internal Loan Review

Back in February we showed that it is not only China which is troubled by non-performing loans: America's own nascent private Peer 2 Peer industry was having very similar issues, evident most notably in the books of category "leader" LendingClub, whose write-offs had soared to nearly double the company's own forecasts.
