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Why Do Half-Measures Work For Markets, But Not For Socialism?

Why Do Half-Measures Work For Markets, But Not For Socialism?

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

Socialists have attempted many times to put their ideology into action. Socialism has been applied in the Soviet Union, Cuba, China (before Deng), North Korea, and by many other less-famous regimes.

In each case, the result has been economic impoverishment and political authoritarianism.

But the die-hard socialists refuse to give up. "Don't judge communism based on these results, " we're told. "Socialism has simply never really been tried."

Mattis: US To "Annihilate" Islamic State Caliphate, Civilian Casualties A "Fact Of Life"

Mattis: US To "Annihilate" Islamic State Caliphate, Civilian Casualties A "Fact Of Life"

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

US Defense Secretary James Mattis announced plans on Sunday to ‘Take Apart’ Islamic State Caliphate. Civilian casualties do not matter one bit.

The fight against Islamic State has shifted to “annihilation tactics” to stop potential terrorists who’ve flocked to places such as Iraq and Syria from returning to their home countries to wreak havoc, Defense Secretary James Mattis said Sunday.

