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Greek, Italian Risks Weigh On European, Global Markets; Oil, Gold Slide

Greek, Italian Risks Weigh On European, Global Markets; Oil, Gold Slide

Tuesday's session started off on the back foot, with the Euro first sliding on Draghi's dovish comments before Europarliament on Monday where he signaled no imminent change to ECB’s forward guidance coupled with a Bild report late on Monday according to which Greece was prepared to forego its next debt payment if not relief is offered by creditors, pushing European stocks lower as much as -0.6%. However the initial weakness reversed after Greece's Tzanakopoulos denied the Bild report, sending the Euro and European bank stocks higher from session lows.

Hong Kong's Housing Market Has Become "A Sea Of Madness" Central Bank Warns

Hong Kong's Housing Market Has Become "A Sea Of Madness" Central Bank Warns

What a difference 16 months makes.

It was in February of 2016 when, looking at the latest trends in the Hong Kong housing market, we wrote that in January [2016] Hong Kong home prices tumbled the most since July 2013, and after a 12 year upcycle, prices were now down 10% from the recent peak just four months prior...

... while the local Centaline Property Agency estimated that total Hong Kong property transactions at the start of 2016 were on track to register the worst month on record.
