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Travel To US Has Tumbled 16% Since Trump Took Office, Foursquare Says

Travel To US Has Tumbled 16% Since Trump Took Office, Foursquare Says

Social-media company Foursquare has crunched the data generated by its 50 million active monthly users and determined that America’s share of the international tourism market has fallen sharply since October.

According to data published on the company’s blog, visits by foreigners to the U.S.  started to decline in October, when they fell by 6% year-over-year. The decline has continued through March 2017, the latest month for which Foursquare has data, when visits declined by an astounding 16%.

"Something's Breaking" - Yuan Suddenly Spikes To 2-Month Highs

"Something's Breaking" - Yuan Suddenly Spikes To 2-Month Highs

Traders in Asia are bemused as offshore Yuan suddenly spikes by the most in 2 months (following dollar's post-Fed-Minutes breakdown) to 2-month highs...

It seems The Fed's potentially dovish realisation that data-dependence is going to hold them back from their plans to hike rates no matter what is rippling through the world's risk markets as Yuan spikes suddenly and dramatically in Asia trading...

Sending offshore Yuan to 2-month highs..


As we warned earlier it seems The National Team are active in stocks...


China Downgrade Forgotten As Asia Closes Higher, Futures Flat Ahead Of Fed Minutes

China Downgrade Forgotten As Asia Closes Higher, Futures Flat Ahead Of Fed Minutes

Not even last night's Moody's credit downgrade of China - the first since 1989 - could dent the global stock rally which has pushed global stock prices to all time highs. After initially sliding, regional stocks and emerging Asian currencies pared early losses following the unexpected downgrade of China, taking their cue from the "sudden reversal" of the Shanghai Composite Index, which some speculated saw the latest intervention of the "national team."
