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24 Hours Later: "Unprecedented" Fallout From First Global, Coordinated Ransomware Attack

24 Hours Later: "Unprecedented" Fallout From First Global, Coordinated Ransomware Attack

Less than 24 hours after it first emerged, it has been called the first global, coordinated ransomware attack using hacking tools developed by the NSA, crippling over a dozen hospitals across the UK, mass transit around Europe, car factories in France and the UK, universitied in China, corporations in the US, banks in Russia and countless other mission-critical infrastructure.

Xi Should Coach Trump On How To Avoid A Trade War

Xi Should Coach Trump On How To Avoid A Trade War

The U.S. has recorded a trade deficit in every year since 1975. This is not surprising — America spends more than it saves. So, it must run a trade deficit, and this deficit is financed by means of a virtually unlimited U.S. line of credit with the rest of the world. Economies that save more than they spend and record corresponding trade surpluses ship funds to the U.S. to finance America’s insatiable spending.

Man Jailed In North Korea Warns "There's A Lot More Americans Locked Up Here Than Anyone Knows"

Man Jailed In North Korea Warns "There's A Lot More Americans Locked Up Here Than Anyone Knows"

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

We should all hope that the current level of antagonism between the US and North Korea eventually passes, as it has many times before. But if it does, North Korea will fade from the news cycle. And with that, most people are going to forget about some of the crazy things that country has done, including the fact that they routinely kidnap foreigners and imprison them years.

North Korea Is A Major Opium Producer (Making It A Prime Target For The CIA)

North Korea Is A Major Opium Producer (Making It A Prime Target For The CIA)

Authored by Whitney Webb via,

When the U.S. overthrew the Taliban in the wake of 9/11 as part of its newly launched “war on terror,” it set the stage for the explosive growth of Afghanistan’s dying opium industry. A few short months before the invasion took place, the Taliban made headlines for having “dramatically ended the country’s massive opium trade” after the leader of the fundamentalist group had declared the substance to be un-Islamic. At the time, Afghanistan’s opium was used to produce 75 percent of the world’s heroin.
