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Mike Pence Visits The DMZ, Says "Era Of Strategic Patience" With North Korea Is Over

Mike Pence Visits The DMZ, Says "Era Of Strategic Patience" With North Korea Is Over

In the midst of a 10-day Asia trip, Vice President Pence made an unannounced visit to the 4km-wide heavily-mined demilitarized zone separating the two Koreas where he met with troops, encouraged China to take action against North Kore, and warned Pyongyang that after years of testing the U.S. and South Korea with its nuclear ambitions, "the era of strategic patience is over."

The US & China: Why The Sudden Convergence On North Korea?

The US & China: Why The Sudden Convergence On North Korea?

Authored by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

It was no coincidence that America's 11-ton bunker-tunnel busting bomb was deployed in Afghanistan as tensions mount over North Korea's nuclear theats.

In the past, China resisted U.S. saber-rattling against North Korea. Now China is threatening North Korea with military action. What's going on? Why the sudden convergence of U.S.-China threats of military force against North Korea?

North Korea Shows Off New ICBM, Sub-Based Missiles As US Aircraft Carrier Approaches

North Korea Shows Off New ICBM, Sub-Based Missiles As US Aircraft Carrier Approaches

For all the expectations of a North Korean nuke test, the country's "Day of the sun" celebrations ended up being a relatively subdued affair, with Pyongyang marking the 105th anniversary of its founding leader Kim Il-sung with a military parade in Pyongyang, where it for the first time publicly showcased its submarine-launched ballistic missiles as well as what appears to be a new type of ICBM, even as a U.S. aircraft carrier group steamed towards the region.

China Warns North Korea War "Could Break Out At Any Moment"

China Warns North Korea War "Could Break Out At Any Moment"

“North Korea is a problem,” Trump told reporters at the White House on Thursday. “The problem will be taken care of.”

Which prompted North Korea's rebuke of US President Trump's "aggressive words," overnight.
