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China As A Superpower: "They Will Not Be Humiliated Again"

China As A Superpower: "They Will Not Be Humiliated Again"

Via Erico Matias Tavares of Sinclair & Co.,

China as a Superpower – An Interview with Prof. Toshi Yoshihara

Dr. Toshi Yoshihara is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) in Washington, D.C. Prior to joining CSBA, he held the John A. van Beuren Chair of Asia-Pacific Studies and was an affiliate member of the China Maritime Studies Institute at the Naval War College, where he taught strategy for ten years.

"They're Erupting": Alaskan Volcano Throws Ash 35,000 Feet Interrupting Commercial Flights

"They're Erupting": Alaskan Volcano Throws Ash 35,000 Feet Interrupting Commercial Flights

Via Mac Slavo of,

Volcanic eruption in Alaska’s Aleutian Islands as seen from ISS.

Is a major seismic event headed our way?

There is no way to know for sure, but science warns that hotspots like the San Andreas fault in Southern California are “overdue” for the big one, which frequently occurs every hundred years or so. If the earth doesn’t release enough steam from time to time, larger pressures can build up, creating event more catastrophic disasters.

CIA hack job(s) EXPOSED

CIA hack job(s) EXPOSED

Finally, we have a 'snowden' event for the CIA and the inner workings of how the agency operates in the digital 'cyber' sphere.  Wikileaks released "Vault7" - a treasure trove of documents pertaining to their 'cyberwarfare' or in layman's terms, hacking operations.  Since we've released Splitting Pennies, in the hope of explaining how the world 'really' works - we've received mostly positive feedback, but many mainstream readers have accused us of being 'conspiracy theorists' - well now we have the proof.

Meet The Singapore Futures Trader Who Has Bought 3,000 Swimming Pools Worth Of Sugar

Meet The Singapore Futures Trader Who Has Bought 3,000 Swimming Pools Worth Of Sugar

There is a new powerhouse dominating the U.S. futures market for raw sugar contracts and it's creating a bit of confusion among the the more established trading houses of the world's most volatile commodity markets.  The firm is Wilmar International, a Singapore-based agribusiness whose major shareholders include the family of Malaysian billionaire Robert Kuok and Chicago-based Archer Daniels Midland.  Founded 26 years ago, Wilmar is one of the world's largest palm-oil producers but was essentially non-existent in the sugar market until just a couple of years ago.
