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Dr. Doom's Back: Marc Faber Warns Markets Will Fall "Like An Avalanche... Trump Can't Stop It"

Dr. Doom's Back: Marc Faber Warns Markets Will Fall "Like An Avalanche... Trump Can't Stop It"

"One man alone cannot make 'America great again'. That you have to realize," warns Marc Faber, the editor of "The Gloom, Boom, & Doom Report," reminding the world that the US stock market is vulnerable to a seismic sell-off that won't be caused by any single catalyst. His argument: Stocks are very overbought and sentiment is way too bullish for the so-called Trump rally to continue.

Kim Murder Suspect Says She Was Paid $90 To Rub VX Toxin On His Face

Kim Murder Suspect Says She Was Paid $90 To Rub VX Toxin On His Face

In the latest turn of increasingly more bizarre events leading up the death of North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un's half brother, who as revealed late last week had been poisoned with the deadly VX nerve agent, the arrested Indonesian woman who is one of the suspects in the killing said she was paid $90 to apply a baby oil-like liquid to his face in what she believed was a "prank."
