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Courageous Ron Unz Wonders How John McCain Gets Away With It

Courageous Ron Unz Wonders How John McCain Gets Away With It

John McCain: When “Tokyo Rose” Ran for President

by Ron Unz

What Was John McCain’s True Wartime Record in Vietnam?

With Sen. John McCain so much in the headlines these days due to his harsh criticism of the foreign policy positions of Donald Trump, a few people suggested that I republish my article from a couple of years ago exploring McCain’s own very doubtful military record.

Global Stocks Hit 21 Month Highs, Futures Point To New Record Ahead Of Inflation Data

The global "risk on" melt-up continues.

After a modestly hawkish Yellen warned that every meeting is live, and refused to take March off the table, sending the dollar and yield higher and the S&P to fresh record highs, world stocks rose hitting a 21-month high on Wednesday with the dollar rising for the 11th straight day, the longest positive streak since July 2015.

Trump Security Team "In Turmoil" After Flynn Resignation, Russia Calls It An "Internal Matter"

Trump Security Team "In Turmoil" After Flynn Resignation, Russia Calls It An "Internal Matter"

Less than a month into the new administration, President Trump security team has been plunged into "turmoil" following last night's unexpected resignation announcement by his now former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn. In some additional back story color, Flynn reportedly infuriated VP Pence by misleading him about the call, then not fully apologizing, the NYT reported and also added that Steve Bannon pushed for his resignation since Friday.
