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The Number One Concern For US Citizens Is... Terrorism!?

The Number One Concern For US Citizens Is... Terrorism!?

Submitted by Mike Shedlock via,

Here’s an interesting graph from the World Economic Forum from their article Which countries are on the right track, according to their citizens?

Discontent spreads


Between October and November 2016, the percentage of people who believe things are on the right track in their country dropped by 2 percentage points to 37% globally.


Trump Has 6 Goldman Appointees- Swamp Drains You

Trump Has 6 Goldman Appointees- Swamp Drains You


Dear Trump Voters: Goldman Wins Again.

 To the Trump voters scratching their heads at the PEOTUS' recent appointments. This is the nexus of finance influencing politics in real time. Here is your chance to save yourselves years of denial, cognitive dissonance, regret, and therapy when you are forced to confront the reality that you were lied to. 

Why Trump Voters are Stupid

US Deploys Third Carrier Group In Asia To Boost "Naval Air Forces" In Disputed South China Sea

US Deploys Third Carrier Group In Asia To Boost "Naval Air Forces" In Disputed South China Sea

For a brief but tense period, two weeks ago the US found itself without a single aircraft carrier in any area of the globe. The absence of a deployed U.S. Navy aircraft carrier, long seen as a symbol of American power projection, was noteworthy because according to Fox, "it is believed to be the first time since World War II that at least one U.S. aircraft carrier has not been deployed."
