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Dismal Jobs Report — Paul Craig Roberts

Dismal Jobs Report

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Paul Craig Roberts

The presstitute media delivered the false news, not from Russian propaganda websites such as the Washington Post accuses this one of being, but from Obama’s US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The false news is that the collapsing economy continues to boom with 178,000 new jobs in November and a further fall in the rate of unemployment to 4.6%.

What are the facts? Nothing you will ever hear from the presstitutes or the corrupt Obama regime.

Indian Economy Crashes As Modi's "Black Money" Theory Collapses

Indian Economy Crashes As Modi's "Black Money" Theory Collapses

Amid social unrest and loss of faith in the nation's currency, India's economy has ground to a halt with its Composite PMI crashing by a record in the last month as demonetization strikes.


However, even more problematic is that Indians have validated 82% of bank notes rendered worthless by PM Modi, dramatically undermining the government’s estimate of unaccounted wealth in the economy. As Bloomberg reports,

Frontrunning: December 7

  • Futures rise for third day in a row (Reuters); Banks Lead Stock Rally as Bonds Gain With Hopes Pinned on Draghi (BBG)
  • Monte dei Paschi bolsters European stocks, ECB looms (Reuters)
  • Finding Risk in All the Wrong Places as Trump Era Begins (BBG)
  • Goldman Tells Stock Pickers to Rejoice as Correlations Decline (BBG)
  • Trump’s ‘Wall’ at Mexico Border Vanishing as GOP Lawmakers Bolt (BBG)
  • AT&T CEO: Time Warner Deal Would ‘Disrupt’ Cable TV Model (WSJ)
  • Americans Are Paying Apple Millions To Shelter Overseas Profits (BBG)

"Panicked" Citi Trader "Who Fired Off Repeated Sell Orders" Behind Pound Flash Crash

"Panicked" Citi Trader "Who Fired Off Repeated Sell Orders" Behind Pound Flash Crash

In what may be the latest example of unintended irony, shortly after the October 7 pound sterling flash crash, which saw the UK currency plunge by more than 9% against the dollar, falling from $1.26 to $1.14, in about 40 seconds - a historic flash crash in one of the world's most liquid currencies - we presented a forensic explanation of what happened in that minute when sterling plummeted in a bidless market from Citigroup. 

