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"Unexpected" Australian Rate Cut To Record Low Unleashes FX Havoc, Global "Risk Off"

"Unexpected" Australian Rate Cut To Record Low Unleashes FX Havoc, Global "Risk Off"

Three months ago, when Australia unexpectedly revealed that its recent "stellar" job numbers had in fact been cooked we asked, rhetorically, why the sudden admission it was all a lie? Simple: weakness in commodity prices "is far greater than people had been expecting,” the nation's top economist said. Australia is now "swimming against the tide" because of uncertainties in the global economy, he added.

"Gold Isn't An Investment - Gold Is Money"


Gold isn’t an investment. Gold is money.

In this succinct interview with Casey Research Director Brian Hunt reveals some of the biggest misconceptions about gold… and why you should own it.

Casey Research: Brian, as you recall, we probably get more questions and reader feedback on gold than on any other subject here at Casey Research… And we've noticed there are quite a few myths and misconceptions about gold out there. Can you go over some of the big ones for us?
