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Central Bank Rally Fizzles: Equity Futures Lower As Attention Turns To "Hawkish Fed" Risk

Central Bank Rally Fizzles: Equity Futures Lower As Attention Turns To "Hawkish Fed" Risk

The biggest macro development over the weekend was China's latest "gloomy" economic update, in which industrial production, retail sales and lending figures all missed estimates, however now that we are back to central bank bailout mode, bad news is once again good news, and the Shanghai Comp soared +1.7% among the best performers in Asia on calls for further central bank stimulus while the new CSRC chief also vowed to intervene in stock markets if necessary. In other words, the worse the data in China, the better.

Gold Is The Only Sound Money

Gold Is The Only Sound Money

Submitted by Alasdair Macleod via,

This article notes that the technical situation for the gold price has sharply improved, to the evident surprise of many mainstream analysts. It discusses possible reasons behind the turnaround, and implications for the future.


The technical situation is shown in the chart below.


Frontrunning: March 11

  • Shares bounce, euro fades after savage ECB reaction (Reuters)
  • Trump's Islam comments draw attacks as Republicans discover civility (Reuters)
  • IEA Says Oil Price May Have Bottomed as High-Cost Producers Cut (BBG)
  • Oil Prices Rise on Hopes Glut Will Ease (WSJ)
  • Why Euro-Area Inflation Will Be Low for Years, According to Draghi (BBG)
  • Calmer markets, positive data prime Fed to push ahead with rate rises (Reuters)
  • Key powers mulling possibility of federal division of Syria (Reuters)
