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Global Stocks, Oil Continue Streamrolling Shorts On Last Minute Hopes For G-20 Stimulus Announcement

Whether this week's market surge was catalyzed by two consecutive "technical problems" in the bond market, first the unexpected failure of the Fed's MBS POMO on Wednesday and then the 7 Year Treasury auction's last minute cancellations yesterday, and quite clearly it was...


... is irrelevant as the short squeeze has not only returned with a vengeance...


... but the critical 1,950 resistance and 50 DMA in the S&P500 was taken out...


NatGas Tumbles To 16-Year Lows

NatGas Tumbles To 16-Year Lows

More "unequivocally good" news. On the heels of a smaller than expected drawdown in natural gas inventories (-117 vs -135bcf), Nattie futures have tumbled to their lowest intraday level since 1999...



And while the oil market is "glutted," some are arguing the NatGas market is even more so...'s Nick Cunningham warns, while the glut in oil is expected to continue for the next year or so before balancing in late 2016, the pain for liquefied natural gas (LNG) could be just beginning...

Now It's China's Turn To Crash: Shanghai Plunges 6.4% Overnight

Now It's China's Turn To Crash: Shanghai Plunges 6.4% Overnight

After a burst of volatility in the developed market over the past month, one odd outlier was China, where after a surge of gut-wrenching moves in both its currency and equity markets (recall that it was China's troubles with marketwide circuit breakers at the start of January that may have catalyzed the global volatility wave), Chinese stocks remained relatively quiet and resilient, levitating quietly day after day. That all changed overnight when the Shanghai Composite plunged by 6.4% with the drop accelerating into the close.

Umberto Eco’s Lessons on Ur-Fascism

“Ur-Fascism,” wrote the Italian thinker Umberto Eco,

derives from individual or social frustration. That is why one of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a frustrated middle class, a class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation, and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups. In our time, when the old “proletarians” are becoming petty bourgeois… the fascism of tomorrow will find its audience in this new majority.

He continued:
