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Chinese Stocks Plunge, Asia At 4 Year Lows But PBOC Currency Intervention Pushes US Futures Higher

Chinese Stocks Plunge, Asia At 4 Year Lows But PBOC Currency Intervention Pushes US Futures Higher

Once again, China was faced with the unpleasant task of deciding which asset class to intervene in: its plunging stock market, or its currency. It chose the latter, and as a result after a turbulent start the Shanghai Composite sank by 5.3% to close just above 3000 and down 15% in just the past 11 days, suggesting that the PBOC is increasingly seeing the CNY1.8 trillion (at least) spent to stabilize stocks as a sunk cost.

Happy New Year: Global Stocks Crash After China Is Halted Limit Down In Worst Start To Year In History

It all started off relatively well: oil and US equity futures were buoyant on hopes Iran and Saudi Arabia would break out in a bloody conflict any minute boosting the net worth of shareholders of the military industrial complex, and then, out of nowhere, like a depressed China in a bull shop, the "mainland" crashed the party following a terrible manufacturing PMI report, which sent Chinese stocks sliding slowly at first, then very fast.


Asia's Largest Commodity Trader Was Just Downgraded To Junk: Collateral Calls Next?

Even before Glencore made a dramatic appearance on the world's distressed commodity trader stage in late August, Zero Hedge readers were familiar with its Asian cousin, Noble Group, also known as Asia's largest commodity trader, a name we covered in our August 18 report "Noble Group’s Kurtosis Awakening Moment For The Commodity Markets."
