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Pakistan Plans Replacing Dollar With Yuan In Trade With China

Pakistan Plans Replacing Dollar With Yuan In Trade With China

Pakistan is considering replacing the U.S. dollar with the Chinese yuan for bilateral trade between Pakistan and China, Pakistan's Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal said according to Dawn Online and The Economic Times. Interior Minister Iqbal, who has been central to the planning and implementation of China-Pakistan economic ties, was reported discussing the proposal after unveiling a long-term economic development cooperation plan for the two countries, Reuters added.

Crypto Carnage Continues: Bitcoin Down $5,000 From Record Highs, Schiff Says 'Mark It Zero'

Crypto Carnage Continues: Bitcoin Down $5,000 From Record Highs, Schiff Says 'Mark It Zero'

After an exuberant few days following Coinbase's adoption of Bitcoin Cash, the forked currency has collapsed back below $3000.  

For the 4th night in the last 5, someone has started slamming Bitcoin at around 8pmET, pushing the biggest cryptocurrency back below $15,000 for the first time in two weeks...


Catalysts for the drop are unclear other than systematic selling pressure as Asia opens. There was chatter about the lack of security in South Korean local exchanges, but it is unlikely that is the cause for now.

Global Bond Rout Eases As Nervous Traders Watch For "Selling On The Tax News", Catalan Vote

Global Bond Rout Eases As Nervous Traders Watch For "Selling On The Tax News", Catalan Vote

U.S. equity futures are little changed with the GOP Tax Plan now a done deal and no more daily "pricing in" of tax reform possible, as traders nerviously look to see if others will now be "selling the news", a preview of which we got yesterday when US equity indexes closed red across the board despite Trump's biggest legislative win to date, while bonds were spooked by the blowout in government debt needed to fund the giveaways.

Dow 25,000 In Sight As Tax Cuts Are "Priced In" One Last Time

Dow 25,000 In Sight As Tax Cuts Are "Priced In" One Last Time

Dow futures are up some 80 points this morning after early on Wednesday morning the Senate passed the Tax Reform bill in a party-line vote, and is now set to become law after a follow-up vote in the House and Trump's signature some time on Wednesday afternoon. The good news is that the biggest political drama of 2017 will then be over. The bad news is that once the bill becomes law, the market will no longer be able to "price it in" every single day as it has for the past year.

Pat Buchanan Asks "Who Wants War With Iran... And Why?"

Pat Buchanan Asks "Who Wants War With Iran... And Why?"

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

In the run-up to Christmas, President Donald Trump has been the beneficiary of some surprisingly good news and glad tidings.

Sunday, Vladimir Putin called to thank him and the CIA for providing Russia critical information that helped abort an ISIS plot to massacre visitors to Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg.


Monday found polls showing Trump at his highest in months.

