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Tom Price Resigns As HHS Secretary Amid Private Jet Scandal

Tom Price Resigns As HHS Secretary Amid Private Jet Scandal

As part of the growing private jet (ab)use scandal that has recently rocked the Trump administration, on Friday afternoon the White House announced that Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price offered his resignation and President Trump has accepted, according to the Press Sec. office.

Full White House statment below:

Statement from the Press Secretary


Vietnam Shows How To Clean Up The Banking System: Ex-Banker Sentenced To Death For Fraud

Vietnam Shows How To Clean Up The Banking System: Ex-Banker Sentenced To Death For Fraud

The lack of prosecution of US bankers responsible for the great financial crisis has been a much debated topic over the years, leading to the coinage of such terms as "Too Big To Prosecute", the termination of at least one corrupt DOJ official, the revelation that Eric Holder is the most useless Attorney General in history, and of course billions in cash kickbacks between Wall Street and D.C.

Dollar Ends Best Week Of The Year With A Whimper As Global Stocks Push All Time Highs

Dollar Ends Best Week Of The Year With A Whimper As Global Stocks Push All Time Highs

The dollar rally paused on Friday and looked poised to finish its best weekly gain of the year with a whimper, when in a repeat of the Thursday session the, Bloomberg dollar index first rose more than 0.1% during Asia hours before slumping around the European open as month and quarter-end flows came into play again.

Florida's Orange Growers May Never Recover From Hurricane Irma

Florida's Orange Growers May Never Recover From Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Irma destroyed half of Florida’s citrus crop when it tore through the state earlier this month, as we reported earlier this month. The state’s orange growers at the time described the damage from the storm as the worst they’d seen in their lifetimes, as we reported at the time.

Many of the affected groves of oranges and grapefruits were approaching harvest, too – and their destruction helped send the price of orange concentrate futures rocketing higher.

Stocks Up, Bonds Up, Gold Up, & Dollar Down But 'Middle-Class-Miracle' Fades

Stocks Up, Bonds Up, Gold Up, & Dollar Down But 'Middle-Class-Miracle' Fades

Odd day. Low volume, small range in stocks. Good macro. Some questions over just how 'miraculous' Trump's tax plan will be for the middle-class... but the day's trend across FX, bond, and commodities was set early on when Asia closed and dollar-sellers, bond-buyers, and precious-metal-purchasers came back to play...


Risk is "Contained"...
