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China Launches Official Investigation Into US Intellectual Property Practices

China Launches Official Investigation Into US Intellectual Property Practices

By Chris at

Last week, China bypassed the World Trade Organisation agreements and using an old law officially launched a probe into Americas intellectual property practices.

China's foreign affairs minister, talking of America, stated that:

"We’ve come to the conclusion that they’re in an economic war and they’re crushing us.”

Reiterating this stance, a Chinese Communist Party spokesman went on to say:

Images Emerge Of Kim Jong Un Inspecting New Missiles After Mattis Applauds "Restraint"

Images Emerge Of Kim Jong Un Inspecting New Missiles After Mattis Applauds "Restraint"

Kim Jong Un is once again showing the US exactly how disinterested he is in negotiating any settlement - particularly one that ultimately forces North Korea to surrender its nuclear weapons: To wit, Kim ordered more rockets and warheads during a televised visit to a local munitions factory just hours after Secretary of Defense James Mattis praised Kim’s “restraint” for not having launched any new missile strikes since the latest round of UN sanctions took effect on Aug. 5. Mattis also reiterated that the Trump administration would be open to talks.

Chief Of Naval Operations "Looking Into" Possibility Ships Were Hacked

Chief Of Naval Operations "Looking Into" Possibility Ships Were Hacked

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

Tragedy struck the USS John S. McCain on Monday, when the destroyer collided with a merchant ship off the coast of Singapore, leaving 10 sailors missing and five injured. The US Navy is still struggling to find all of the remains of the missing sailors, and has ordered an operational pause for all naval fleets around the world as investigators try to figure out exactly why this terrible accident occurred.
