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Global Markets, Futures Slide Spooked By Poor Amazon Earnings, US Politics

Global Markets, Futures Slide Spooked By Poor Amazon Earnings, US Politics

S&P futures have tracked both European and Asian markets lower, which were dragged down by the big EPS miss and guidance cut reported by Amazon on Thursday. Meanwhile, the pounding of the dollar has resumed with the euro and sterling strengthening against the dollar due to renewed political concerns after this morning's stunning failure by the Senate GOP to pass a "skinny" Obamacare repeal after John McCain sided with democrats.

Paul Craig Roberts Sees "A Ray Of Light" From Europe

Paul Craig Roberts Sees "A Ray Of Light" From Europe

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

America has been a discouraging landscape ever since the neoconservatives took over US foreign policy during the Clinton regime and started the two decades of war crimes that define 21st century America and ever since US corporations betrayed the US work force by moving American jobs to Asia.

The outlook became darker when the Obama regime resurrected the Russian Threat and elevated the prospect of military conflict between the nuclear powers.
