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This Is How America Would Wage A Nuclear War Against North Korea

This Is How America Would Wage A Nuclear War Against North Korea

Authored by Dave Majumdar via The National Interest,

"It is time to think about the unthinkable..."

The standoff between the United States and North Korea continues to escalate with neither side willing to back down.

With each passing day, the possibility of open warfare breaking out seems to increase as each side ups the ante. Indeed, President Donald Trump has ratcheted up his rhetoric in recent days—seemingly threatening to launch a nuclear first strike against North Korea.

Russian Su-27 "Photobombed" In Dramatic Intercept Of US Bombers Over Baltic Sea

Russian Su-27 "Photobombed" In Dramatic Intercept Of US Bombers Over Baltic Sea

One month after the US intercepted Russian tactical bombers flying in proximity to Alaska on several occasions, and just four days after Russia returned the favor earlier this week when a Russian Su-27 was scrambled to "accompany" a US B-52 bomber flying over the Baltic Sea, on June 9 a Russian fighter jet was "photobombed" in a series of dramatic photos while intercepting a group of US warplanes over the Baltic Sea during annual military drills over the Baltic Sea, the US Department of Defense said.