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B-52 Stratofortress

Air Force Denies That US Nuclear Bombers Are Being Put Back On 24-Hour Alert

Air Force Denies That US Nuclear Bombers Are Being Put Back On 24-Hour Alert

There were many unanswered questions following last night's story from Defense One, according to which the US Air Force would put nuclear bombers on high, 24-hour alert for the first time since the end of the cold war in 1991. There may be even more questions on Monday, when the Air Force denied the report and said it was not preparing to put its B-52 nuclear bombers on 24-hour alert, adding that a "misunderstanding" might have led to a report claiming those preparations are underway.

B-52 Bombers To Fly Combat Missions Against ISIS

The U.S. is to deploy the B-52 Stratofortress long-range strategic bomber to the Middle East to fight ISIS. The huge nuclear capable jet-powered bomber is made by Boeing and can drop 32 tons of conventional bombs simultaneously. Russia Today reports: The B-52s will replace several Rockwell B-1 Lancer supersonic strategic bombers, which had been striking terrorist positions near Kobani, Syria for several months and have now returned to their base in Texas, the Air Force Times reports. Defense officials also confirmed the information to Fox News.