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Casino Stocks Plunge As China Cracks Down On Macau ATM Cash Withdrawals

Casino Stocks Plunge As China Cracks Down On Macau ATM Cash Withdrawals

Casino stocks have plunged following a report in the South China Morning Post that in China's latest crackdown on capital outflows, Beijing is cutting in half the amount of money account holders of China UnionPay can withdraw from ATMs in Macau, the world’s largest gambling market. 

The Monetary Authority of Macau’s ATM withdrawal cut is understood to be a reaction to attempts by illicit money movers to circumvent Beijing’s move at the beginning of this year to cap at 100,000 yuan (HK$112,600) the annual amount that UnionPay card holders could withdraw.

China Warns Trump: Get In Line Or Else

China have issued an ominous warning to incoming President Donald Trump, saying that he better “get in line” soon or “pay dearly”. Chinese state media reported on Tuesday that Trump’s phone-call with Taiwan’s president and subsequent Twitter rant attacking Beijing, represents a potential severing of diplomatic relations between the US and China. Yahoo News reports: “Provoking friction and messing up China-US relations won’t help ‘make America great again'”, said a front-page opinion piece in the overseas edition of Communist Party mouthpiece People’s Daily.

Trump Picks Iowa Governor Branstad As US Ambassador To China, Beijing Calls Him "Old Friend"

Trump Picks Iowa Governor Branstad As US Ambassador To China, Beijing Calls Him "Old Friend"

As reported in Frontrunning, President-elect Donald Trump will nominate Iowa Governor Terry Branstad as the next U.S. ambassador to China, choosing a longstanding friend of Beijing after rattling the world's second-largest economy by speaking to Taiwan's president. Earlier in Beijing, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang called Branstad an "old friend" of China when asked about a report on the appointment, although he added Beijing would work with any U.S. ambassador.

China Newspapers Blast "Diplomatic Rookie" Trump For "Inability To Keep His Mouth Shut"

China Newspapers Blast "Diplomatic Rookie" Trump For "Inability To Keep His Mouth Shut"

It seems that Trump's phone call with Taiwan's president Tsai Ing-wen as well a recent pair of tweets from the president-elect blasting China for devaluing their currency, taxing U.S. imports and military provocations in the South China Sea have served their purpose of ruffling some feathers in Beijing.

Bob Dole "Mastermind" Behind Trump-Taiwan Call: WSJ

Bob Dole "Mastermind" Behind Trump-Taiwan Call: WSJ

With last Friday's phone call between Donald Trump and Taiwan's president Tsai Ing-wen which broke decades of US protocol, still creating ripples among diplomatic circles and the political punditry, not to mention continue to fascinate the media which leads today with such speculative headlines as Wooed by Trump, Taiwan Trembles, China urges U.S. to block transit by Taiwan president, U.S.
